Spring is here
We hope that you had a very happy Easter.
The clocks have gone forward, as the days grow longer and the air becomes warmer, we welcome the arrival of more fruit and veg produce at our markets. This April, we're excited to celebrate the season's bounty and the energy that spring brings.

The official start of the Asparagus season coincides with St Georges Day on April 23rd. Though growing conditions have been spectacularly wet recenty we expect to see the first fresh, flavorful spears at market this month. Whether you prefer them grilled, roasted, or simply steamed, asparagus is a true harbinger of spring and a delicious addition to any meal.
Beetroot, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, celery, cauliflower, carrots, celeriac, chard, claytonia, endive, fennel, garlic, Jerusalem Artichokes, kale, land cress, lettuce, leeks, pak choi, potatoes, purple sprouting broccoli, apples, pears, red, white, and January King cabbage, watercress, wild garlic, radishes, rhubarb, spinach, swede, turnips, Tuscan kale, winter squash, and of course forced and early asparagus are all in season this month.
The London Marathon
On Sunday, April 28th, the streets of London will come alive with the energy of the iconic London Marathon. As runners from around the world take on this challenging course, all of our markets will be, excuse the pun, running as usual.

Cheese Board Hamper Competition
We celebrate cheese with this month's hamper competetion.
We are giving away 25 hampers this year, 2 each month and 3 in December as part of our 25 years of London Farmers Markets celebration. This month our hampers will aim to provide you with the perfect cheese board and will contain a variety of cheeses from producers that sell at our markets along with bread, butter, savoury biscuits and pickles.
Cheeses for the hampers will be provided by a selection of these wonderful producers:
Bath Soft Cheese
Bevistan Dairy
Bradfields Farm Dairy
Brinkworth Dairy
Ellie's Dairy
Hollis Mead Organic Dairy
Lincolnshire Poacher
Nut Knowle Farm
Quickes Traditional
Trethowan's Dairy and Puxton Court Farm
White Lake Cheese
Wildcroft Dairy
Windrush Valley
Head to our Instagram or FaceBook pages where details of the draw will be posted soon, the draw will close for entries on the 26th April. You must be able to collect your hamper from one of our weekend markets.

We are very pleased to welcome Hall Hunter Partnership to Balham this month. They will be a regular stall bringing their superb fruit weekly from the third weekend.
The London Marathon is on Sunday the 28th April this year. Blackheath Farmers Market will run as usual but we will probably re-configure the layout as we normlly do on Marathon day to allow for the flow of runners arriving at the station.
Imperial College:
Look out for Fritterly, a new stall selling lovely fritters.
This month at Islington we welcome three new stalls Grace's Secret Garden on week 3,
Griffiths Brothers Distillery on week 4, and The Female Glaze on weeks 2 and 4.
Well, having made it to the final of the Farm Retail Association's Farmers Market of the Year competition, we were pipped to the post by Barnard Castle Farmers Market. If you are ever up that way do drop in to see their market.
Notting Hill:
Having been well supported at their first couple of attendances at Notting Hill, Owley Farm Mushrooms are now attending every week with their gourmet mushrooms grown on their 3rd generation farm on the Kent/Sussex border.
Queens Park:
Please welcome Grace's Secret Garden to Queens Park on the second Sunday of April.
South Kensington:
Return to Bute Street
We are looking forward to moving back into Bute Street on the 13th of April subject to confirmation from RBKC. Please check here for updates.
The market stalls can no longer line up on one side of the street, so we will be re-configuring the layout to accommodate the new trees and planting areas. All your favourite stalls will still be there. If you can't immediately see the stall you are after, just ask the Market Manager or one of the other stallholders and they will point you in the right direction.
New stall
Harley House Distillery will be at the market on the 3rd Saturday of April.
We are very pleased to welcome Hall Hunter Partnership to Twickenham this month. They will be a regular stall bringing their superb fruit weekly from the third weekend.
We are pleased to welcome The Female Glaze to Walthamstow, they will be bringing their delicious vegan baked goods on the 2nd & 4th Sundays each month.
West Hampstead:
West Hampstead has 2 new stalls attending on the 3rd saturday of the month. Please welcome Grace's Secret Garden and Griffiths Brothers Distillery to your market.
New stall, Griffiths Brothers Distillery will be attending on the 2nd Saturday this month.
Latest news

Our markets are back after the Christmas break...
We hope that you are refreshed after an enjoyable Christmas and New Year break.

December News
Brussel Sprout Tree Time....

Winter is coming!
The clocks have gone back, it's time to think about warming stews and soups.

Autumn is here already
Kown as the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness from the opening line of Keats' poem 'To Autumn' this is a bountiful season and our markets are full of lovely, colourful produce direct from the farms that produce them.

Organic September
September is a special month for the organic food movement.